Sunday, December 13, 2009


Modular functions were first discovered by the Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. He has been compared to a bursting supernova, illuminating the darkest, most profound corners of mathematics, before being tragically struck down by tuberculosis at the age of 33. Scattered throughout his notebooks are sets of very obscure equations called modular functions. These are some of the strangest equations ever found and appear only in distant, unrelated branches of mathematics. One of these modular functions, called the Ramanujan function in his honor, appears in string theory as the underlying mathematical theory that shows how strings vibrate in 10 and 26 dimensions.

quoted from:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Eric. I am beyond embarrassed that you are reading my blog right now. So this is for you.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

It's painful

There is absolutely no constitutional reason why the government (by way of the IRS) should be allowed to restrict freedom of speech within the church.

The original intended relationship between religion and government has been extorted and bastardized into what the ACLU and others prefer it to be.

My friend tried to convince me that the ACLU is "the defender of the Bill of Rights" – that is bullshit. They would never defend any constitutional right (such as freedom of speech from the pulpit), unless it serves their own purposes. The cases they defend never stray from an easily ascertained agenda of ideals. I could make my claim more detailed, perhaps I will later.

But here is the ACLU's response. They don't seek to right the transgressions of the IRS code, they don't even discuss the issue... they only seek to undermine the credibility of the sponsoring organization (ADF).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Bloomsbury Group

I just like this piece (because of the hands!), but of course the man is also worth discussing.

Lytton Strachey by Dora Carrington (they were friends)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Watch this Man

Well, he's been around for a while... but I still mention him.
Takashi Murakami.
Is he the Japanese Warhol? Well at least in his business model:

The Few

There are always a few definitive individuals in any given era. 
That is to say, these individuals define the era. 

John Cage is one of them.

They question all authorities (sources of normalcy, institutions) (though not for contemptible reasons) and pursue items that intrigue them for their own intrinsic value... They don't do this for anything but their own personal benefit; however, they are consequently working for general welfare of all people.

Others who do this? Andrew Carnegie; Leonardo DaVinci; etc.

This, I believe, is one key to success. 
Yes, I love Ayn Rand's novels. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Unrequited Love

The words of one of my favorite friends are echoing in my ears as I write this. A blog? Isn't that just like an online diary?

Ummm yes. well. i suppose. 

Still. The world must know. I've suspected some 'requite' all year and yet here I am stymied and alone. Not rubbing shoulders with anyone. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Future; I love human ingenuity and progress [Flash site preferred]

GO TO THESE SITES AND START DROOLING. I cannot wait for (a. my income to increase sufficiently to buy one of these trips, (b. the companies to systematize and reduce costs. I feel like we're in the historical invention stage of the automobile, about to explode through the interchangeable parts revolution... first the elite and then the masses will enjoy space tourism.

Design 101

So I just realized that I designed this blog opposing every fragment of design instruction that I have ever received (which adds up to a substantial amount). The gaping structure-less white space in the middle is alarmingly wrong. Perhaps one day, after my html fluency increases, I will fix it. But for now please fool your mind into relishing the belly of my page as you would a blissful cloud.  

If you could sing like anyone, who would it be?

Freddy Mercury. 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Schemas- the female gender

The sorts of things I'm really attracted to, I never pursue publicly. I'm attracted to a long list of things, so perhaps that is partly why. Anyways, I do love high fashion and beauty of the human. This photo of Liv Tyler is stunning.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Life Needs Episodes

I sit here. Squashed with realization: Life needs adventure, characters and honest pursuit of a good time.

This dawned on me as I read Ed Templeton's Blog [] and I love these skateboarding photos.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Modernity Skirts the Hallowed

This is a fascinating dilemma. This photo symbolizes everything that Muslims fear. It is the epic depiction of western modernity as an affront.


Life is continually unbalanced. It oscillates between the unexpected exceptional events and the corrosive realization that I am unable to do and create such that I meet my own ideals.

Is it so wrong to have ambition in what can be accomplished in life? I find myself lost without a sense of what is undeniably valuable.

Were there no conflicts, injustice, poverty, violence or hatred in this world: HOW WOULD YOU TEACH PEOPLE TO LIVE? How do we improve the world? Where mere existence and subsistence is not enough we need a pursuit. Life must focus on: music/art/philosophy/knowledge/technology and relationships.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Architecture & Islam

A fun question: why is UAE exploding with construction projects???

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

50 things we didn't know last year

Friday, January 2, 2009

Contemporary Elasticity

This is an EXCELLENT website displaying what must have been an excellent exhibit. Unfortunately I was not able to visit MoMA in time to see it. Not only is the topic fascinating- design, human brain, science/technology, 21st century living- but the website itself is an accomplished project and is very entertaining to browse through.
