Sunday, December 12, 2010


Taking perspective from a day almost lost.

Today was gorgeous and I spent most of it in anger. I was coerced into a time consuming & unnecessary favor. I don't know that ditching it would've been the right thing. I was actually gratified afterwards. But still the feelings of aggravation hadn't subsided. I almost ran over a sassy pedestrian.

looking back. I've made no progress on my life choices struggle. Map my progress: I'm at the same y-coordinate I've been for the past year... despite the accumulated episodes of struggling with it. But I suppose that counts for something. A greater x-value; or rather, let's make that a 3-d vector map & quantify the quality use of the time. haha. Time is a constant and I'd like to demonstrate that I did more than exist.


It's difficult to fight when your obstacles are abstract.

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